If you suddenly find yourself short on cash in between paychecks, what can you do? It’s a dilemma that many people find themselves facing, and although there are a number of fast funding options available, some could land you in more financial trouble than you expect.

For example, payday loans offer a lifeline in the form of quick cash when you need it the most. However, it’s important to choose the right lender or else you could end up paying back more than you bargained for and stay in debt for longer. Fortunately, LendUp Loans offers payday advance loans in Louisiana that provide a simple online application that can take as little as 5 minutes from your smartphone, instant decisions, and cash transfer directly to your checking as quickly as the next business day.

You could apply for your LendUp loan in as little as five minutes and have the money you need as early as the next business day. What’s more, we can help you even if you have bad credit, we may be able to approve you for a loan. With our free online financial education courses and our LendUp Ladder, our products may be able to help you improve your credit score and access better borrowing rates in the future.